quarta-feira, 9 de junho de 2010



This is the Learning Module I created from the three learning objects of each Unit: Cooperative Freedom, Online teaching Techniques and Transparency in Online Education.

I used three different tools, and a produced a PowerPoint presentation about Cooperative Freedom, a cartoon related to Online teaching Techniques, and a movie about Transparency in Online Education, and I published them here, on my blog.
I choose these tools from all Web 2.0 tools and services I tested, to develop my Learning Objects and my Learning Module.
I hope you like it.


Theory of Cooperative Freedom
The theory of autonomy and independence

Adult learners perceive themselves as self-directing human beings and define themselves in terms of their personal achievements and experiences.

The Theory of Cooperative Freedom perceives both adult and juvenile distance learners as motivated, self-directing students with a desire to control their learning outcomes.The theory applies to all three categories of Houle’s student motivational orientations: goal oriented, activity oriented, and learning oriented.
• Goal-oriented participants will perceive CMC as a way to “keep the edge” and to use state-of-the-art technology to achieve their goals.
• Activity-oriented students cannot resist the always-available online activity.
• Knowledge-oriented people may be motivated by access to all the up-to-date information and knowledgeable people that CMC provides.

This theory suggests that, independently of motivational orientation, distance students need cooperation as well as individual freedom.


I created my LO with the aim of teaching a young people' class about Pedagogical Techniques, so I used Walt Disney characters to tried to capture both their interest and attention.

Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC): Transmission and reception of messages using computers as input, storage, output, and routing devices. CMC includes information retrieval, electronic mail, bulletin boards, and computer conferencing.

Pedagogical Technique: Boyle (1981, 213) defined technique as the form used to present material to be learned, for example lecture, panel, and group discussion. In this study, a pedagogical technique is defined as a manner of accomplishing teaching objectives. According to how the techniques prescribe student interaction with learning resources, the techniques are classified as one-alone techniques, one-to-one techniques, one-to-many techniques, and many-to-many techniques.

A pedagogical technique is defined as a manner of accomplishing teaching objectives.

According to how the techniques prescribe student interaction with learning resources, the techniques are classified as one-alone techniques, one-to-one techniques, one-to-many techniques, and many-to-many techniques.


I created my LO with the goal of showing transparency in online education benefits.

Transparency improves both quality and cooperation.
In a transparent course, where people can see and follow information about each other, you can look at the good work of your colleagues and try to learn from them.
So, you can improve your work learning from the work of others.
Transparency is also important because it could reduce low quality work.
In a learning environment, you and your interests, ideas, writings, and assignments should be visible to others students and teachers.
This can be achieved by making that kind of information transparent.
Distance students need transparency to work cooperatively.
But, how much transparency should we allow in online education?
Well, students must to be free to choose how much transparency they want for their work, so they feel comfortable about it.




I posed Dr. Carlos Vieira Lima, Head of Continuous Training Division in Centro de Estudos e Formação Autárquica (CEFA), the following question:

Dear Carlos Vieira Lima,
I'm a master student at Universidade Aberta who is investigating the impact of Distance Education on workers skills and knowledge.
I hope that you can answer the following question.

How do you think Distance Education can improve workers skills and knowledge, in local governments context?
If it is acceptable for you, I would like to share both my question and your answer in our course forum and in my personal blog at: http://mpelejadores.blogspot.com/.

In the universe of local governments, we have witnessed, in recent years, a huge increase in production of legislation and the introduction of new techniques and methodologies, in virtually all sectors of activity.
These facts create an urgent need for training, so that professionals in each field can keep updated on the latest developments and changes.
Moreover, with the increasing volume of new training needs, people have less and less time available to attend it.
Thus, distance learning is emerging as an effective solution able to fulfill these training needs, respecting the limitations and constraints referred above, enabling the frequency of training which, if taken out the traditional way, in face-to-face courses, people could not attend.
Another advantage of capital importance of this form of teaching/learning lies in the lower financial and social costs, both for organizations that promote training, and for the learners.
However, this process can only be effective and produce satisfactory outcomes if properly organized and implemented in accordance with proper positioning for the learners, with appropriate contents and properly assessed.
Carlos Vieira Lima

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